
Parent Teacher Fellowship

The Parent Teacher Fellowship (PTF) has the mission to foster community development among our parents and centralize parent volunteer efforts so teachers are supported in their calling to provide the best possible classical Christian education to our students. The Board and Administration firmly believe when a GCCA parent commits to actively participate within our PTF our entire community is blessed!
Each year the Parent Teacher Fellowship (PTF) supports our growing sports program, aids in our numerous drama productions, assists in raised funds for our growing school and supports in countless other classroom and school wide initiatives.  

How do I share my gifts?

Each year parents share their gifts and abilities in numerous ways. Below is a list of different ways that parent make GCCA a thriving community! 
  • Support Teachers - Teacher-in-Service, Teacher Appreciation Week
  • Support Classroom Activities - Parties, Drama Productions, Field Trips, Projects 
  • Support School Wide Initiatives - Picnics, Fellowships, Graduation decorations and refreshments, Grandparents' Day, Pastors' Breakfast, Admissions Events, Community Events, Monday Morning Moms' Prayer Time
  • Support School Athletics - Transportation, Banquets, Concessions, Pep Rallies
  • Support School Drama Productions - Concessions, Set Building, Marketing, Box Office
  • Fine Art Show - Set up and clean up, Framing and mounting Art Work
  • Support Fundraising Efforts - Auction, Great Big Give, and Strawberry Days Funnel Cake Booth

List of 3 items.

  • Fundraising Initiatives

    As a private classical Christian institution GCCA depends on tuition revenue and yearly donations to support the operations and advancement of GCCA. Therefore, parents play an active role in donor development and networking.  
    • Auction - Each year GCCA hosts an annual auction. Our auction is an opportunity for local businesses, donors, parents and teachers in our school community to support the advancement of GCCA. Numerous high quality services and goods are auctioned off in both a silent and live auction format. This event is filled with feasting, fellowship and fundraising! 
    • Great Big Give - As one of our main fundraisers at Grove City Christian Academy, this particular event gives every family a chance to share the mission of GCCA with their own extended families and circles of influence. The recipients of the Great Big Give mailing are very willing to support GCCA, financially and through prayer, especially when they understand what a blessing the school is to the families here and to our community. This fundraiser is also unique in that our students get the chance to do their part, by running in our Jogathon event OR by serving at a local camp in our Serve-a-thon event! It's important for students to understand that many generous people help to make their schooling possible. We are fostering gratitude and servanthood as we involve our students in this event!
    • Strawberry Days Funnel Cake Booth - GCCA families participate in this fundraiser as a part of a bigger Grove City community event. This event takes place at the Grove City Memorial Park. GCCA sets up a funnel cake booth and families make and sell funnel cakes! This is a fun way for GCCA to not only raise funds but also be a part of our community. 
  • Fundraising Support

    • All GCCA families are expected to help facilitate at least one of the main fundraisers (Auction, Great Big Give, Strawberry Days Funnel Cake booth) in the capacity they are able.
    • All GCCA families are expected to submit a mailing list of at least 30 family, friends and close associates, who will receive a mailing connected to the Great Big Give. Families will provide and/or update their list annually as part of re-enrollment.
    • Each year Mrs. Ivy Hasenplug, our Development Director, is introduced to new donors by our current families that desire for GCCA to advance. We encourage all families to consider potential donors they would like Mrs. Hasenplug to meet. Families are encouraged to set up a meeting with Mrs. Hasenplug directly.
  • Getting Involved

    We have two PTF Coordinators, one for each of our campuses. 

    Madison Ave. Campus Coordinator: Mrs. Laura Veloso

    Mill St. Campus Coordinator: Mrs. Alisa Best
    If you are looking for ways to volunteer and support GCCA, please email: or

Fundraising Events

Questions? Contact
A Christian education in the classical tradition.