Athletic Code: Galatians 5:22-23
Love - for our teammates, for the opposing team, for the officials, for those who don’t make our lives easy
Joy - in being able to play a sport, in being able to represent our school, whether win or lose, whether you play a little or a lot, we will still praise our God
Peace - trusting God through the storms, through the ups and downs of a season
Patience - waiting and abiding in the Lord, whether through injury or trial
Kindness - being kind to our teammates, opponents, coaches, and the officials
Goodness - full of integrity in our actions and our deeds both on and off the court
Faithfulness - faithful to our teammates, our school, our families, but mostly our God, understanding there are people depending on us
Gentleness - representing our school and Christ in our actions and deeds
Self-control - being able to handle and resolve conflict, being in control of our actions