Our Educational Philosophy
At Grove City Christian Academy, we believe parents are accountable to God for the education of their children (Deuteronomy 6:6-7; Psalm 78:3-8; Ephesians 6:4). Parents must choose the means of education that best fits the gifts and abilities of the parents and the individual needs of their children. Many parents prefer to provide their children’s education through a school. Grove City Christian Academy is an institution that allows parents to employ teachers to help implement the educational responsibility for them. As such, the school "is an extension of the home which seeks to carry on the functions and duties that the home has delegated to it." The school, then, derives its authority and mission from the home.
Therefore, we are dedicated to teaching a Biblical view of reality. Ours is a curriculum that puts God at the center, revealing to our children how God's sovereign hand is in all parts of life and that all of life is unified and the work of our Creator. Thus, we do not simply use a secular curriculum, add a Bible course, and then claim we are a Christian school We want our children to realize how God's plan for creation manifests itself in history, science, math, literature, economics, art, ethics, law, etc., and we intend for them to view the world as a whole, seeing the unity of His creation in their studies and their lives. We plan always to review and refine our curriculum to ensure our children enter their youth and adult years equipped not only in academics, but also in understanding that Christ is Lord of all (Psalm 2). We strive for them to know that nothing is separate or compartmentalized in our Father's world. Moreover, we expect them to know that they are responsible in all areas of life--in studies, in work, in families, in relationships, in society--to God and His mandate for mankind.
At Grove City Christian Academy, we believe the phrase "Parent Sponsored" education best describes our governance approach. Parents have entrusted a portion of the education of their children to Grove City Christian Academy. They also have covenanted to work with the Board to provide the highest quality Christ-centered education. Parents are encouraged to be involved in the Board member nominating process, to serve on committees of the Board, or to work alongside others in coordinating events that help keep our school families and the community informed about the school’s work. Parents also are encouraged to utilize all appropriate lines of communication to advise teachers, the Head of School, and the Board of their concerns, as well as to share words of encouragement.
"Parent-Sponsored" education is distinct from "Parent-Run" education, as is made clear in the following quotation by Sheri D. Haan, Executive Director of Christian Schools International (CSI): "’Parent-run’ is a term that has been used for decades to describe the governance of many Christian schools. Over 100 years ago when the first CSI schools were started, some were governed by the churches that founded them. Others were governed by parents, although the leaders in the church often also served on the school board. "Because of the differing roles of the church and school, over the years most CSI Christian schools have been parent-governed rather than church-governed. The parents, through their elected board, make all policies and decisions regarding the school. "Sometimes the term 'parent-run' leads people to mistakenly believe that parents have the right to individually determine what their own children will study, what the teacher or school will teach, which books will be in the library, or what discipline will be meted out to their children."
As a "Parent-Sponsored" school, we labor with you in raising and teaching children in the admonition of the Lord.